Features of the EMFF
- Simple way to play MP3 files on your website (no more painful quicktimemediarealplayer compromises)
- No license charges (it's open source)
- Small file size (between 8 and 50 kB)
- Multiple skins (see example), you are free to create your own
- Basic music operations: play, stop, pause, previous, next
- Show informations about track (duration, position, interpret, title etc.)
- Playlists (with track information), possibility to repeat or shuffle the playlist (see example)
- Load external XSPF playlists (see example)
- Start or load first track automatically on your wish
- Volume / balance control
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Grouping multiple EMFF instances so that only one instance of the group is active simultaneously (see example)
- Easy creation of your individual EMFF code using the code generator
- Easy creation of XSPF playlist files using the playlist generator
- Information message and link to Adobe Flash Plugin installation website if the Flash Plugin is too old
- ...your idea? Please mail me!